Landscape Recommendations to Maintain Your Yard Edging

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The appearance of your yard’s vegetation is dependent upon your regular upkeep on the space and also on the condition of the landscaping lines and edges. A beautifully landscaped yard is going to have distinct areas where lawn grows, mulch is set over the soil, and shrubbery is trimmed into a specific shape, as examples. However, when you focus on your edging, it can make a big improvement to the overall condition of your landscaping.…

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Tips and Tricks to Help Ensure Success With Your New Sod Installation

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Sod installed onto your property will instantly improve your yard’s appearance and value and is a great way to get a head start with weed emergence in the area. However, be sure you prepare for the installation and order your sod with the appropriate timing and considerations. Here are some recommendations for you to use as you prepare and grow a new and lush lawn in your yard through a sod installation.…

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Backflow: What Is It And How Does It Affect Your Home?

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The water in your home is supposed to flow in a specific direction and end up in the sewer system. When backflow occurs, it causes water to reverse its course and the water is flowing in the wrong direction. This problem can lead to illness and even be fatal because it can cause contamination. It is vital to teat backflow and address any issues immediately so that your potable water can remain clean.…

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Why Trimming The Big Shade Tree In Your Backyard Is Important

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A big shade tree is a valuable feature in your backyard. It provides a shady place to escape from the sun and give your property a little beauty. To get the most from your tree, you may need to have it trimmed occasionally. Here’s why trimming the tree is beneficial for it, your property, and your family. Trimming Removes Wild Growth A tree is usually more attractive when its growth is symmetrical.…

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Tips To Install A New Brick Patio In Your Backyard Space

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There are many different types of landscape design you can add to your backyard to make the space attractive and unique along with boosting its usability. A patio space made of decorative pavers or rock can transform what would be a boring concrete slab into something much more charming and interesting. However, to build a brick patio properly so it lasts many years, there are some considerations you need to plan for to make this happen.…

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4 Uses for Artificial Turf at Your House

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Artificial turf may be associated more with sports fields than with your home, but there are a lot of things that you can use artificial turf for at your house.  1. Dog Runs If you have dogs, you need to have somewhere for them to be outside, especially if they are active dogs who need to have some kind of outside time. The problem with regular grass is that when it gets wet, it also gets muddy and messy.…

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Want More Functionality From Your Backyard? Invest In Landscaping Service

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While you may look at your backyard and find the space attractive, you may want to get more out of the landscape, especially when you own the home. Fortunately, owning a home means that you can make major or minor changes throughout the backyard to satisfy your needs. When you hire landscaping professionals, you can take on several projects that will bring more functionality to your backyard with complete confidence.…

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2 Things A Tree Trimming Service Can Help You With

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You may love having all kinds of beautiful trees in your yard, but all those beautiful trees come with problems, like branches that could fall off, or getting sick and rotting and dying. When that happens, those beautiful trees can become a huge problem, and could end up falling on your house, car, or power lines. If you are worried about that happening, there are things that you can do about that.…

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Eco-Friendly Lawn Maintenance Tips: Managing Your Lawn To Minimize Fertilizer Runoff

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The way that you maintain your lawn can have a significant impact on local waterways. Fertilizer contains nitrogen and phosphorous, and grass needs both of these nutrients in order to be healthy. Unfortunately, nitrogen and phosphorous are also excellent food for algae and tend to create algal blooms when they’re washed into a waterway. Algal blooms can lower the quality of your drinking water, and some of them are very harmful to fish and other wildlife.…

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Residential Retaining Walls

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If your new home is on a hill or even next to one, you may need a retaining wall. Retaining walls help to stabilize soil so that land movement is avoided. Protecting your home and property is a very important way to stay safe physically and financially. Making the wall look nice is a big priority, too! It can look great and add safety when done right. Here are a few tips to consider if you are planning to build a retaining wall on your property.…

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