Tips To Install A New Brick Patio In Your Backyard Space

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There are many different types of landscape design you can add to your backyard to make the space attractive and unique along with boosting its usability. A patio space made of decorative pavers or rock can transform what would be a boring concrete slab into something much more charming and interesting. However, to build a brick patio properly so it lasts many years, there are some considerations you need to plan for to make this happen. Here are some recommendations to help you build and install a brick patio in your backyard for years of enjoyment and beauty.

Choose a Location

The location of your brick patio will make all the difference in the installation and also your enjoyment of it once it is completed. Whether you are installing the patio or hiring a professional to do the job, look at the location of any nearby trees.

You may want to have shade over your patio for part of the day, but you don't want to have to excavate tree roots while installing the patio. If you have to cut out tree roots, it can harm the health of and even kill your tree, so if there are tree roots in the soil, pick another location.

Choose Your Materials

The materials you choose for your brick patio can make it a long-lasting addition to your yard. You will need a base foundation of crushed gravel or recycled concrete to provide a durable base that provides for good moisture drainage. You may need to look at the soil on the patio's site to determine if it contains a good amount of clay or if the soil is fairly sandy. If the soil is the former, you will need to add extra gravel to the base, at a depth of anywhere from four to ten inches for a solid foundation.

Landscape fabric is also recommended, which you will set into your foundation prior to pouring in the crushed gravel. This will keep the soil from working its way up into the gravel and also keep weeds from growing.

Over the crushed and compacted gravel, you will need a layer of sand to act as a soft base for the pavers to sit. Sand works well because it allows water to drain down and through the patio but will also keep the brick pavers from moving around. Then, look for brick pavers or similar flat-surfaced material to set within the sand as a decorative and durable layer.

For more ideas and assistance, reach out to a brick patio company.
