How Professional Artificial Turf Maintenance Can Benefit Cat Owners

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The argument over whether cats or dogs make better pets will probably continue until the end of time, but most dog lovers will concede that a cat is less likely to destroy your lawn. This is especially true if your home has an artificial turf lawn. These durable, convincing lawns give your cat a great place to play, exercise, or just bask in the sun.

Unfortunately, while artificial lawns are much more resistant to physical damage than natural lawns, your cat can still cause permanent damage to an artificial lawn if the lawn isn't properly maintained. Professional artificial turf maintenance can be a wise investment for cat owners, keeping your artificial turf in top condition no matter how unruly your feline friend gets.

How Can Cats Damage Artificial Turf?

Bathroom Breaks

Cat urine and feces are notoriously damaging to natural grass and can cause large patches of grass to wilt and yellow. This damage occurs because cat waste contains large amounts of nitrogen, which can poison plants. 

Artificial turf is immune to this nitrogen damage, so you won't have to worry about unsightly patches of damaged grass. Any urine or feces can be removed quickly and easily, and a quick clean with a damp rag and mild detergent should remove any traces of cat waste.

However, if cat waste goes unnoticed for too long, it can cause staining that can be quite difficult to remove. Artificial turf can also retain the smell of cat urine for longer than natural turf.

Turf Flattening

Most cats will love to doze on your artificial turf during warm weather, especially because artificial turf retains more heat than natural turf. Unfortunately, many cats like to bask in the same spot, which can cause patches of artificial turf to become flattened. 

Infill Damage

Some types of artificial turf rely on sand infill. This is a layer of sand that is scattered over the turf after it is installed. The sand settles around the individual blades of artificial grass, providing support that helps to prevent flattening.

If your artificial turf uses sand infill, your cat's claws can disturb the sand, lessening its effectiveness and leaving the turf more vulnerable to flattening.

How Can Professional Artificial Turf Maintenance Prevent Cat Damage?

Professional artificial turf maintenance services prevent and repair damage caused by cats and other pets. Calling in a service a few times a year will keep your artificial turf looking brand new for years to come. 

If your artificial turf has any staining caused by cat waste, professional maintenance services can use commercial-grade cleaning chemicals to remove the most stubborn stains. Scent removers can be used to banish unpleasant urine smells. They can also apply stain-resistant treatments to the turf, which will help to prevent future staining.

You can use a stiff-bristled brush to restore sections of turf that have become flattened, but it can be time-consuming work, especially if you have limited mobility. Professional maintenance services use automated brushing machines to quickly restore flattened turf. They can also replace infill that has been disturbed or removed by inquisitive cats.

If you wish to keep your cats away from your turf entirely, or want to limit which parts of the turf they use, your chosen service can also use cat repellents to keep cats away from sections of your lawn. Many of these repellents are chemical-free and rely on natural cat repellents containing citrus oil, peppermint, or even lion and tiger dung. 
