3 Grass-Planting Tips For Your New Construction Home

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Buying a new home can be exciting. However, establishing the house and turning it into a home can be a bit overwhelming, especially when it comes to your landscape. Shrubs, trees, and flowers can be planted anytime, but you may want to establish a lawn when you first move in. With this guide, you will learn a few tips for creating the lawn you want for your new construction home.

Map It Out

One of the first steps to take when creating a lawn is to map out where your grass will grow and where other landscaping elements will be added.

Consider how you want your landscape to look and sketch out a quick drawing if necessary. You can work with a landscape designer to determine where your lawn will be and where other plants and shrubs will go in your yard.

With the right design, your grass and other areas of the landscape can accent the architectural features of your home and the overall look of your property.

Create a Foundation

Without the right foundation, your grass will not be able to grow. Therefore, creating a foundation that is healthy and strong is key.

To get started, consider having your soil tested, since certain types of grasses grow better in certain types of soil. If necessary, bring in new soil and dirt to fill the yard before starting the process of planting grass or installing sod.

Make sure there are no areas of compacted soil, as well. Roots will not be able to establish themselves into hard pockets of soil, so consider loosening up the soil with a tiller. Also, make sure to remove any debris, especially debris that has been left behind by the construction workers and contractors. Trash, pieces of wood, and even leftover stone, brick, or shingles, for example, should all be removed from the ground.

Choose the Grass

Finally, you need to choose which type of grass will be best for your yard.

Remember that if you live in a cooler environment or your yard is very shady, a cool-season grass may be best, so opt for fescue grass. If you live in a warmer environment that experiences a lot of drought-like conditions, choose a warm-season grass, such as Bermuda or zoysia.

You do have the option of planting traditional grass seed or installing sod. However, make sure to understand how much maintenance is needed to grow and maintain your grass seed or sod to ensure it establishes itself properly. 
