Four Fun Portable Landscaping Options For Renters

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If you are a renter, you might be frustrated with the fact that you can't really build up your yard since this isn't your property. Just because you are a renter doesn't mean you can't find other ways to show off your green thumb. Here are four portable landscaping options that can work well for renters who might need to have a more mobile garden.

1. Creative Planter Boxes and Containers

You don't need to limit your gardening to traditional flower pots in your rental space. There are plenty of larger planter boxes and longer troughs that can line your yard. You can plant within these larger containers as a semi-permanent yard feature, but these can be moved in the future if need be. If you do have larger plants you are concerned about transporting at a later date, ask a landscaper or garden specialist for advice before relocating.

2. Utilizing Walls and Fences

Your landscaping plan doesn't need to be isolated to the ground. If you are renting a home that has a smaller or closed in outdoor space, you can think vertical with your portable landscaping options as well. Hanging pots and attachable trellises can both be installed on a temporary basis, and can be taken with you if you do need to move.

3. Temporary Patio Covering

If your backyard is just a slab of concrete, a great way to spruce this up is with interlocking outdoor flooring options. These can come in plastic that look like stone or wooden slats to bring the feeling of a deck to your space. These interlocking units are great because they can easily be disassembled and move with you to your next rental yard, balcony or patio.

4. Above-Ground Ponds

If you love the idea of incorporating water into your landscaping, a rental unit might not be conducive to ponds or running water. You can still incorporate above-ground pools that can be ornamental on their own, or even accommodate fish, lilies, or other pond plants. Wine barrels or metal tubs can make great, easy, movable vessels for above-ground ponds in your rental yard.

If you really want to work in your backyard, discuss this with your landlord. They might reimburse you for supplies or give you a break in rent if you do maintain landscaping on the property. You can also consult with a landscaper when it comes to ways to make your yard look nice while keeping this mobile for when your lease is up. Contact a business, such as Kauai Nursery & Landscaping Inc, for more information.   
