Can A Drip Irrigation System Be Beneficial For Your Lawn?

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In landscaping, a reliable water source is important for the greenery. There are several watering methods available, but one of the more popular methods is the use of a drip irrigation system. If you are unsure if drip irrigation would be beneficial for your landscaping, here is what you need to know. Why Use Drip Irrigation? A drip irrigation system relies on a trickle type flow of water that passes through a series of tubes and pipes.…

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Planting and Pruning the Perfect Bradford Pear Tree

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With the right design and quality care, flowers, shrubs, and a nice lawn can increase your home’s appeal and value. The addition of certain trees can also benefit your landscape design and home’s look, but choosing the right ones can be challenging. While it does not produce actual fruit, the Bradford pear tree is an excellent option your home’s landscaping needs. Not only does it grow up to 50 feet tall, but it also offers an enormous amount of color and texture with its spring blooms that last through summer.…

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